You know you are addicted to Family History when
- your idea of a fun holiday includes a library, archive and a couple of cemeteries.
- you stay in the cinema after the film is over to read the credits, just in case
- you spend your holiday sitting in the hotel room reading the phone book.
- you can't holiday in the Lake District because you don't have ancestors there.
- you're on holiday and you see a sign on the motorway where you can do some research and insist on stopping.
- you're actually happy to find out that you have the same great grandfather on BOTH sides. The genetics may be bad, but it sure simplifies research.
- you've exclaimed at least once, "Egad! I'm surely NOT related to those ________'s!" when you discover that the gene pool has gotten pretty shallow.
- your spouse wishes he/she had been born in the 1800s - that way you'd know he/she was alive.
- you think everyone is related to you.
- you're happy when you find a murderer in the family because their records will be easy to find
- you feel closer to your dead relatives than the live ones.
- both you parents are born in the same village, and after you trace back 200 years, you have to type the same name 6 times to fill all the slots on your tree. And it is accurate! And it happens 6 more times!!!!
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